Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wiimote for Diablo 3

When I mention Diablo (or Diablo 2) to someone, I usually get a response like: "Oh yeah, I remember it... my mouse broke because of it."

Diablo 3 and a Nintendo WiiDiablo was such a click-fest that I started wondering if we could use something like Nintendo's wiimote (that's the Wii remote/controller). Forget PS3!

Then I saw a few pics (and videos) of guys going CRAZY with the wiimote: Smashing lights, windows, and one one guy who actually hit (and destroyed) his 60" rear-projection TV!

Check out the pic on the right. This guy got lucky and skewered the side of the TV but the TV survived (as did the guy.

So what do you think? Would you like to swing your sword at Diablo while destroying half the house?

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