Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Diablo 3 official beta

Gamescom attracts quite a few game journalists, so it’s the logical place for all kinds of official announcements: from DOTA2 to … Diablo 3 beta.

Reports Kotaku:

Diablo III’s beta will hit by September, hopefully before, Blizzard game director Jay Wilson said during a Gamescom press conference today.

When’s the game coming out? “When it’s ready.”

Not surprisingly, Jay’s consistent with Blizzard’s “when it’s ready” party line. So it remains to be seen if they are going to hit the 2011 release date.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Diablo 3 beta release

Diablo 3 beta is probably just a few weeks away.

Blizzard has already finalized the box art for Diablo 3 beta, so that you can select it in your Battle.net account as part of the beta selection process.

Btw, if you still haven’t signed up for the beta, go to your Battle.net account now.

In addition to the Diablo 3 box art, Blizzard’s PR machine has roared to life, announcing a press tour starting August 1.

According to MMO Champion, it’s the same pattern as with Cataclysm – the beta release date is probably 2 weeks away... the greatest day for all game sites about Diablo.